It is so easy to forget the things that God puts in our hearts, to mistake them for fantasy or fleeting moments of grandeur. We’re adults and it's our job to think like adults; logically in ways that make sense and sometimes our desires and hopes for the future seem like things that can only be accomplished with fame or fortune. There is NO WAY that this idea, concept, passion that is in me could ever come to pass.
When did we stop dreaming?
When did we stop believing that we could be those things that we longed for as children?
Why is our faith so strong when we are kids, with little to no access to the things that will make an impact in our lives, and then we become adults, life happens and our faith shrinks when we have all the connections and resources in the world to make those deepest desires happen? Sometimes we forget, we underestimate and get comfortable with day to day living, just “trying to” make it and those urges in us that burn like fire get pushed to the side.
I remember being in high school and always pushing myself to be better or to achieve more. My grandmother (foster mom) would always say “ Tasha, why you always trying to rock the boat? Once you have good leave better alone!” I never understood that and it bothered me, I mean once you have good shouldn't better be that much more attainable and within reach?
Today I want to remind you that the vision and dreams that God has put in you He has not forgotten about and He doesn’t want you too either. He has called you to those things for such a time as this and I truly believe that God doesn’t place desires in us in vain. I think he gives us the vision, the eye, to see the things that we want because they are within reach and He wants them for us. John 10:10 states “I came so that they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” In some ways, the vision, the dream is your direct road map to the thing to make it happen. Remember the old adage, “if you can see you, you can achieve it”? I think that person might have been on to something.
I have never given thought to new and creative ways to source renewable energy or how to create the newest greatest iPhone app, because those aren’t desires that God has placed inside of me, but I constantly think of ways to help people. I am always up for a conversation on how I can encourage and build people up, to see people grow in areas that are valuable to them and more often than not I find success doing it because I can see it, God gives me the roadmap. There are so many incredible examples where God speaks to those he loves in the Word and often he uses visions and dreams to communicate the things of His heart. With Jacob, Joseph and Daniel, it all started with a dream and their God is the same God, now, that He was back then.
What vision and dreams has God put in your heart and mind that you’ve forgotten about?
What keeps you up at night? What could you talk about all day if someone showed enough interest to let you? What could you wake up every day for and never tire? Believe God! Be bold and courageous, “write the vision and make it plain “ (Habakkuk 2:3) and wait, it's coming.
“It will surely come.”
For the last couple of years my closest girlfriends and I get together and write down our visions and dreams for the New Year. We meet with a plan, get our scissors, glue and magazines and take it back to elementary school. We call those things that are not and believe God for them. We pray over our dreams together and then we check in throughout the year to make sure that we are on track and that we are moving towards the desires God has placed in us.
Since we started doing this, I see God move in my life and the lives of those around me and I think it's primarily because we ask God for what we want and then

we go after it without seizing and with expectation. You don’t need a group of girlfriends to let God know that your ready to go after all that He has for you!
Take some time today to make those dreams into reality and get them on paper, pray about them and then watch God work! I am rooting for you always.
With strength, courage and wisdom,