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How To Celebrate Your Birthday While Social Distancing

Updated: Oct 29, 2023

It's Taurus season!

Which means my favorite month of the year, May, is RIGHT around the corner. It's not only my favorite because of my obvious day of birth being among the other 30 odd days in May, but it is also Haitian Heritage month, the month that hold Haitian Flag Day, Mother's Day, Cinco De Mayo and Memorial Day. It's almost unfair that May has so much value on the calendar and never in a million years did I ever imagine celebrating a birthday in the midst of a global pandemic and a government-issued quarantine, but many of us have been forced to do so this year.

Growing up in foster care, I rarely if ever felt celebrated. I can't recall a single time I had a birthday party and I became use to my birthday coming and going every year and placing very little value on it, but as I have grown into adulthood, formed deeper relationships, created my own family and started my own traditions, I have come to realize just how special birthday's truly are.

Our birthday, year after year, is the one day of the year, that simply because we were born, we are celebrated. Our existence is reason enough to celebrate and it is the one day of the year when you can count on being seen and loved simply for who you are. It's a celebration of presence and identity and appreciation for all that you add to the world.

My birthday is coming up and traditionally, I spend my birthday traveling. The last few years have been filled with bucket list vacations to places around the globe, and this year was supposed to be no different until Rona came to town and now my 2020 travel goals are postponed, for now. This year, I was challenged on how I could gather the people I love together in a way that is unique and special where I still get to connect, while also having the bells and whistles of a celebration connected to my birth, and I came up with a few ideas that I thought might also be helpful to you if you find yourself in the same birthday predicament.

A lot of the blog posts and articles I have read about celebrating a birthday while on quarantine were written with the guest in mind and from the perspective of a person wanting to celebrate the birth of another person, but few were written with the birthday girl or guy in the drivers seat, so below I give you a few special ideas to celebrate your birthday while on quarantine.

8 Birthday Ideas While Social Distancing

1. Be the giver. Create a giving campaign or a Go Fund Me to support a cause close to your heart or to bring awareness to an issue that others may not know about and give. Set a goal and rally your friends/family to support that organization, campaign, mission or movement and donate in your name. There are a lot of organizations that are going to need extra help and support after pandemic passes, find one that matches your heart and vision and roll up your "sleeves."

A few of my favorite are below:

2. Write cards or letters representing the age you are turning to those who have been most impactful the last year of your life. For example, I am turning 38, so I would choose 38 folks who have made a difference in my life and send an email, text or a snail mail to them and let them know the impact they have made on me and why I am thankful for them. Talk about gratitude. Taking a day that is meant to focus internally and focusing out. Now, that's powerful!

3. Choose a different date to celebrate your birthday when quarantine is over. Have the quarantine blues and want to choose a different day? Do it! I polled Instagram and we all agreed that it is perfectly acceptable to have two birthdays this year, so pick a date, pick a half birthday and celebrate - go on the trip, have the big party and LIVE IT UP.

4. Have a virtual pajama party and host a Netflix watch party movie night. Sign up for Zoom, pick a time and have your friends meet you for a virtual movie night. You can screen share your screen with your friends and watch a movie in real time together. I have done this with my sister and it is SO fun. Totally a worthwhile memory.

5. Have your friends plan a virtual scavenger hunt or vice versa. Plan a scavenger hunt and send your friends and family on a hunt around the neighborhood OR flip it and have your family members hide clues for you and spend the day exploring your city. Sounds like a ton of fun to me.

6. Have a birthday social distancing tailgate party. Tailgate parties are so fun because everyone comes with their cars and has their own little set up. Well, why not take that idea and copy and paste it to your birthday. Have everyone show up to your house OR meet at a parking lot and set up your own little social distancing tail gate party. Put cupcakes and snacks in the middle for folks to grab one at a time and CEL-E-BRATE!

7. Do a “drive-by” birthday party. Can't tailgate, have your friends drive through your neighborhood for a social distancing parade. Bring the presents, the confetti and the balloons and enjoy watching your friends and family as they waaaaaave through the neighborhood.

8. Host a virtual dance party with DJ D-Nice. Virtual dance parties have become the party of the year. Why not grab hold of it and make it count? Plan your birthday party around D-Nice's schedule and get your friends involved for a night full of dancing.

My birthday is this Friday, May 1st and I wanted to do something special, so I will be hosting my first annual run of Tash's Favorite Things, a play on Oprah's Favorite Things. Although I can't gift the entire audience (maybe one day lol) from May 2nd - May 9th, I will be doing a giveaway EVERY single day over on my Instagram, featuring one of my very favorite things from the last year.

You can keep up, track and enter the different giveaways by clicking the hashtag #tashsfavethings. Every day, I will announce a new product, company or item I love, with the directions on how to win it and make it yours. All winners of all giveaways will be announced on Wednesday, May 13th. I am so excited about this and so appreciative of the different small business owners, sponsors and friends who have agreed to participate and contribute. I hope to see you over there!

I hope these ideas make you excited to celebrate your birthday in a new and unique way. We are in history, and things are different but that doesn't mean we can't show up to be celebrated. If you are reading this blog, looking for ideas, Happy Birthday to you!!

with strength, courage and wisdom,


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